The Importance of Personal Growth in the Process of Life

these ‘life processes’ especially include failures and difficulties, including addiction.

What is ‘personal growth’ anyways? What does it mean to ‘improve’ yourself?

For many, it means growing amongst your environment and what is given to you. It is the act of looking inward to achieve a purpose or result, in the pursuit of passion and purpose in life. It is a form of inner work that enhances mental fitness and resilience.

To me, it is the unstoppable, nourished magnification of the mind, the heart, and the soul.

Enhancing personal growth is important in all aspects of live, however, it is especially important in addiction recovery.

Being able to recognize your strengths and weaknesses is a key step to fighting addiction. Although there are many studied treatments to help recovering addicts, little can be done without the individual’s passionate desire to better themselves.

Discovering alternative ‘highs’ in life to conquer the lows will make one feel much more purpose. It’s also important to truly express yourself emotionally, stay physically active, and connect socially to the world around you.

A study from Oregon Trail Recovery shows that “engagement in personal growth activities explains 15% of the differences in relapse rates among individuals in recovery.”

“What are you going to do now?"

"Keep growing"

"Despite everything?"

"Amongst everything.”
